Sustainability - Repsol
Tour of Norway aims to be the most sustainable cycling event in the world. Our partners are a big part of our work to achieve our sustainability mission. This week we set focus on how are partners are thinking sustainability into their everyday work.
Today’s focus is on our general partner, Repsol, who is one of the world’s leading multi-energy companies.
General manager of Tour of Norway, Roy Hegreberg, is pleased to have Repsol as a partner on the sustainability journey: "Repsol was the first of our partners, who began the talk about sustainability at Tour of Norway. We were very impressed by their ambitions, which motivated us to increase our focus on sustainability”.
Sustainability plans
Repsol strives to build a better future through the development of smart energy solutions. Our commitment to being a responsible company is at the core of everything we do.
Repsol’s Sustainability Plans are based on the six pillars in Repsol's Sustainability Model: The environment, climate change, safe operation, people, ethics and transparency, and innovation and technology.
Environment, safety and investment in the society
Repsol has created their own “Repsol Policy”, which determines the guidelines that define its strategy on the matter of safety and the environment. Repsol has made a commitment to make efficient use of energy with the purpose of preserving natural resources and reducing atmospheric emissions without any reduction in quality and flow of production. Furthermore, Repsols goal is to maintain a high level of safety in processes and facilities, paying special attention to protecting people and the surrounding environment. You can read more about Repsols focus on safety and environment here
Repsol works with several organizations in Norway to work toward building better communities. The company collaborates with Stavanger University, Rogaland Theater, Stavanger Maritime Museum, Stavanger Sykleklub, Kirkens Bymisjon in Rogaland and Kreftforeningen etc.
Read more about Repsols contribution to the local community here